#SayaDigital Campaign Catalyses the Growth of Digital Foundation for the Rakyat

MDEC Plays Significant Role to Ensure Digital Economy Growth Is Aligned and Understood by the People

YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima TPr Annuar bin Haji Musa, Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (middle) presented the certificate of appointment to Geng #SayaDigital Sarawak as witnessed by Mahadhir Aziz, CEO of MDEC

AS Malaysia’s leading digital economy agency, MDEC has been focusing on the people’s digital development and adoption in their daily life as well as entrepreneurs’ business activities.

The growth of the digital economy must be aligned and understood by the people, particularly those who are in rural areas. Thus, MDEC plays a significant role in ensuring that this aspiration is achieved through programmes and initiatives under the #SayaDigital Campaign.

Digitalising society is a long and continuous journey, and it is one of Malaysia’s vital efforts to execute in order to become a regionally competitive digital nation. MDEC will ensure that the majority of Malaysians are involved in basic digital activities such as using digital applications in smartphones, ordering food online and also doing daily tasks through digital applications.


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