A Word from the CEO

Committed to position Malaysia as a globally competitive digital nation

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”  

This quote from Martin Luther King Jr. rings true. COVID-19 has shown that the future can be uncertain, sometimes terrifying. Yet, as we emerge from the pandemic and transition into the endemic phase, we must take our next steps with heaps of faith and optimism. 

It’s worth noting that the digital economy has evolved to be more exciting, prolific, and full of potential. It contributes 22.6% to the national GDP and is expected to reach 25.5% by 2025 easily. 

At the same time, the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) reported that total income for e-commerce transactions in 2021 had surpassed RM1 trillion – a sign that the Internet economy is the norm rather than the exception. 

I would also like to inform our dear readers that we have rebranded our CONNECTING newsletter to Digital Pulse in line with our digital aspirations and meaningful steps taken into this exciting new digital economy. In this edition of Digital Pulse, we have a story on the ever-evolving and expanding digital creative industry. 

Additionally, we delve into the Malaysian state of Johor as a prime digital investment destination. The “Southern Jewel of Malaysia” has become a hub for emerging digital technologies and one of the frontrunners in Malaysia’s journey into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). We look forward to elevate Johor into a Jewel of ASEAN further. 

Also featured are the success stories of NHwithlove and Got Kimchi?, two enterprises which saw great success through MDEC’s programmes under Budget 2021, paving the way for how businesses can take advantage of the digital economy during and after the COVID-19 crisis. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended MDEC’s Hari Raya Open House. It was great to reconnect with our Keluarga Malaysia from across the country and celebrate the hard work and unending effort in making Malaysia a progressive and inclusive society. 

I bid you all a good month ahead and that your journey into the new frontier finds success and great discoveries. Happy Reading!

Mahadhir Aziz
Chief Executive Officer, MDEC