Editor's Note

Malaysia encourages industry players to become innovators, users, and adopters of new business models and harness human resources to thrive in the digital economy

 "What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done." – Tim O'Reilly

Living in the 21st century and simultaneously trying to drive your business with marketing strategies can be daunting and exhausting. However, the digital world is rapidly changing, and it waits for no one but catches up to those willing to seize the opportunity in the vast industry. 

Digital transformation can be seen as a struggle or a win for different people with distinctive perspectives. But on the other hand, digitalisation might be associated with utmost unfamiliarity, especially for those who have been comfortable doing business by adopting traditional processes. 

One must adopt a digital-first mindset to successfully transform and get a dip in the latest digital tricks. These days, the term "digitalisation" is used so frequently that it might start to sound gimmicky. However, it is a legitimate tactic that aids in long-term sustainability and increases your company's profitability. Businesses can gain from using digital solutions in a variety of ways, including boosting productivity, cutting expenses, entering new markets, expanding their product and service offerings, providing more excellent value to consumers, and, most importantly, fulfilling business objectives.

In Malaysia, numerous business owners and also government sectors are rushing towards implementing digital transformation for a visionary future filled with more spaces for tremendous success.

More awareness and knowledge regarding digital transformation are disseminated like wildfire to educate others. Therefore, it is vital for business owners to share a like-mindedness with people in the industry. This will help to encourage kindred spirits in similar matters, which will simultaneously bind other organisations, government agencies and ministries together to take up plans for more significant digital projects and systematically adopt the parallel methods.

Malaysia is gradually implementing technological changes in its everyday routine and opening up to more new career opportunities. As a result, we can see a progressive country arising in a few years, which appreciates fresh talents in countless fields and is worth defending.

Hence, in this edition of Fourth Leap, we look at shaping the way we think through digital transformation, digital potholes and the upheavals that come with a digitally-infused organisation.

Stay tuned as we share the world's progress with you, dear reader, from the keen minds of leaders, scholars, and independent thinkers. We are certain that our contributors will pique your interests and perhaps spark a need to connect and have a conversation. So feel free to reach out to us, and happy reading!

Sritharan Vellasamy
