A Word from the CEO

Committed to position Malaysia as a globally competitive digital nation

"Technology is best when it brings people together."

Quoted by a web developer, Matt Mullenweg, we reflect on our past accomplishments and how it is evident that MDEC has demonstrated unwavering dedication in pursuing our mission. From spearheading groundbreaking digital initiatives to creating platforms that facilitate transparent communication between the people and government, we have been making efforts to show the world that our digital ecosystem has no boundaries.

In the face of rapid technological advancements, remaining agile and adaptive is the way to go. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation is imperative. Embracing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things will fortify our capabilities and enable us to provide efficient, secure, and user-centric services.

In the latest edition of Digital Pulse, we embark on a journey through the ever-expansive realm of the digital industry. The transformative power of technology has opened up more opportunities for our national talent pool to be discovered by key industry players. MDEC had spoken with Deloitte Malaysia, where the company highlights aiming a number of digital tech hires with skilled high-paying jobs following its office expansion in Malaysia.

Collaboration is the cornerstone of our success in the digital industry. By fostering partnerships with government agencies, private enterprises, and many more, we can harness collective intelligence to attract investors and unearth innovative solutions.

Through this magazine, we further share with you how our agency, in collaboration with partners from various sectors, is shaping the local digital atmosphere. We also talked with Digital Perak and its initiatives to attract more digital investments, focusing on creating a thriving GBS ecosystem that prioritises talent attraction and retention.

MDEC recognises that digital export is important in Malaysia’s economic growth and development. This edition will dissect the importance of digital export to our country and MDEC’s Digital Exports (DEX) team which supports Malaysian tech companies in expanding globally.

We hope to provide valuable information for potential investors to understand this vibrant nation's investment landscape. Reach out to us today! Happy reading.

Ts. Mahadhir Aziz
Chief Executive Officer, MDEC