Get Your Suppliers Registered on MITI’s CIMS 3.0 Database!

Registration is Pivotal for Worker and Operations Monitoring Throughout the RMCO 

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) would like to urge all companies in Malaysia that have registered their details on COVID-19 Intelligent Management System (CIMS) 4.0 to encourage their suppliers to follow suit and get these suppliers registered on the system as soon as possible. 

At the moment, their registration has to be done on their own via Their registration is pivotal to ensure the companies’ workers movement and operations are well-monitored by the authorities throughout the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) period. This is even more pertinent for companies operating in Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) areas as the authorities are highly dependent on CIMS 4.0 to verify the movement status for companies in question. 

The registration will also include an Akujanji Pematuhan SOP where the companies are required to declare their commitment to adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures issued by the Government. Through the registration, the Government will be able to have real-time data of companies operating during the RMCO and number of workers involved. 

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