Industry4WRD: National Policy on Industry 4.0

National Policy to Transform the Manufacturing Sector and Related Services  

(click image to view Industry4WRD web page)

In response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the Industry4WRD: National Policy on Industry 4.0 was launched on 31 October 2018 to drive digital transformation of the manufacturing and related services sectors in Malaysia.

Industry4WRD: National Policy on Industry 4.0

The National Policy on Industry 4.0 (Industry4WRD) is a proactive measure undertaken by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to transform the Malaysian manufacturing industry and its related services to be smarter, more systematic and resilient.

Industry4WRD: Readiness Assessment 

Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (Industry4WRD-RA) is a comprehensive programme to help firms assess their capabilities and readiness to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies and processes. The assessment uses a pre-determined set of indicators to understand their present capabilities and gaps, from which will enable firms to prepare feasible strategies and plans to move towards Industry 4.0.

The Industry4WRD-RA will help firms to:

  • Determine their state of readiness in the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies;
  • Identify the gaps and areas of improvement for Industry 4.0 adoption as well as opportunities for productivity improvement and growth; and
  • Develop feasible strategies and plans to perform outcome-based intervention projects

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