Malaysia’s natural rubber production in February 2021 amounted to 49,840 tonnes, decreased 0.1 per cent as compared to 49,894 tonnes in February 2020 but increased by 9.0 per cent from last month. The smallholdings sector was the main contributor to the natural rubber production of 90.9 per cent. Production of smallholdings decreased by 1.2 per cent while the estate sector increased by 12.2 per cent as compared to February 2020.
Domestic consumption of natural rubber in February 2021 was 44,697 tonnes, increased by 7.8 per cent against 41,470 tonnes in February 2020 while month-on-month comparison showed a decrease of 5.1 per cent from 47,101 tonnes in the last month. The rubber glove industry was the main industry for the use of natural rubber at 34,764 tonnes (77.8%).
Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia - Monthly Rubber Statistics Malaysia, February 2021